I began my day care in June of 1993. My son was aging out of his day care, getting ready to head to school. I couldn’t find care for him that was as wonderful as what he was leaving. His day care provider, Lois, pulled me aside one day and asked me if I’d ever thought about opening my own day care. “You can do this” is what she said to me and that was all it took. All the conditions were right for me to begin a child care program of my own. It was the best decision I could have made for him and for myself. This was what I was born to do!
I’ve spent over 29 years now logging over 30 child specific college hours, hundreds of hours in workshops, and gaining daily experience. I, and 2 colleges, began the local day care association here in Mexico and I’ve headed it for nearly that long, arranging up to date and valuable training for our members. I’ve spent nearly 15 years as a foster parent, dealing with some severe behaviors, and more than that as a volunteer for the women’s shelter here too. Over the years I’ve hosted 8 foreign exchange students and they’ve shared their individual views of the world with the children in my day care. Working with children is what I do and I can’t wait to work with you and your child!
-Fran Harrison
Owner, LGLC
(Little Greenhouse Learning Ctr)
Photos used on this page were used by permission of parents. We value your child’s safety at LGLC and would never put them in harm’s way therefore, before any photos are ever posted online we get the permission of the parent plus use safety measures to ensure the photos do not fall into the wrong hands.
These downloadable forms are in pdf format for your convenience; simply print, fill out, and bring into our office.

“Our son was really struggling to keep up with the other children his age; this was such a big issue that he was being tested for autism and other disorders. But then we started him at “The Little Greenhouse” and he’s not been the same since! This little boy has surprised even his doctors and climbed from severely below the average capabilities of other kids his age to being within the normal range in only 7 months! As a matter of fact, the doctors don‘t even recommend any further testing or action because of the improvements he’s made; their only recommendation was simply to “keep doing what you’re doing because it works!” and we KNOW that Ms Fran played a huge role in his succes!”
-Tammy S.
Miss Fran is awesome! She does so many fun activities with the kids. My kids who are now 28 & 26 went to Miss Fran and now my grandson has been going to her for almost 6 years. We love Miss Fran.
-Krista D.
"Little Greenhouse is a wonderful place! Fran takes wonderful care of her daycare children and there is a wonderful atmosphere. My son loved the friends he made and had fun everyday."
-Courtney B.
A very special letter from one of my parents: